Building Compliance by Integrity FM

It is a statutory responsibility for non-domestic properties to conduct regular testing and maintenance on various aspects of the premises. These regular checks are in place to ensure that the property is safe for staff or the public to use without the risk of avoidable incidents occurring. Here, you will find a selection of some of the services Integrity can provide to aid you in your building compliance.

Water Treatment

Ensuring that water in your property is safe to use is vital in keeping your building running smoothly. Water treatment helps to ensure that your water is safe to drink and interact with by testing for legionella and other microbes which could be harmful to staff and the general public. In the event of legionella being detected in your water, a contractor can advise on remedial actions in order to flush this out of the system, making your water safe again.

Water treatment also involves temperature testing, which is important in making sure the water is flowing at the correct temperatures. Regularly checking the temperatures of your water helps to manage the risk of Legionella but also ensures that water is not flowing too hot that it could scold users while in operation.

Water Treatment should be carried out on a monthly basis to have the maximum effect on mitigating risks.

Fire Door Inspections

Fire Doors are an integral part of a building’s fire safety strategy. Fire doors stop the rapid spread of fire throughout a building and provide more time for people to evacuate and for the emergency services to arrive and put out the fire. Fire doors, especially in high-traffic areas, will suffer wear and tear over time such as cracks, holes or even splits from stress or impact. Due to the importance of fire doors to building safety, issues like these can void fire doors, meaning the door will require replacing in order to keep your building up to code.

Integrity can carry out Fire Door Inspections on your doors across site and conduct any repairs and replacements to your fire doors if they do not meet safety standards. For best practice, inspections should be carried out biannually.

PAT Testing

Modern offices are filled to the brim with electrical appliances in order to make our work more efficient. These assets are an important asset in the modern workplace; however, it is important to get these assets evaluated regularly as well.

The purpose of PAT Testing is to protect users from electric shock and equipment malfunction. By regularly testing your appliances, you can find out whether or not an item is safe to use. Regular testing can identify issues with electrical devices meaning they can be either fixed or replaced, preventing the risk of injury to users. PAT Testing has the added benefit of informing you of issues before they turn into major faults, allowing for remedial work to take place or replacements to be sourced, mitigating the effect on your business and productivity.

It is recommended that businesses carry out PAT Testing every 12 months to remain compliant with current regulations.

Emergency Light Testing

Building compliance also extends to emergency light testing. The installation and maintenance of emergency lights within your property is a statutory requirement and should be regulatory tested. Emergency lights are used to light up the internals of your building when there is a power failure. Emergency lights make it possible for those within premises to vacate a property during a fire where a building may be plunged into darkness so they can move around safely.

Due to the need to keep your emergency lights in good working condition year round, emergency light tests should be carried out monthly alongside an annual 3-hour drain down test to keep your building ready for the unexpected.

Extinguisher Servicing

Fire extinguishers play an essential role in providing a rapid response to fires and assist in controlling a fire, so it does not spread. Given their importance to site safety, companies have a responsibility to regularly carry out checks and servicing of these assets.

During an inspection, an engineer will check for signs of corrosion caused by the contents of the extinguisher which could lead to the failure of the extinguisher. General wear and tear over time can also mean your extinguishers are non-compliant. Dents, cracks, and scratches in the casing, as well as damage to the hose, can affect the integrity of the extinguisher, leading to leaks and loss of pressure. Damage to the identifying label could also lead to misidentification of the type of extinguisher when it matters most.

Maintenance visits should be carried out annually in order to meet legal standards, however, visual inspections should also be conducted regularly for best practice.

Fire Risk Assessments

Fire risk assessments are also a statutory requirement for non-domestic buildings. The purpose of an FRA is twofold, to ensure that all eventualities are reviewed in order to protect the property, and the people within. During an assessment, a registered assessor will carry out a full inspection of the building, taking into account existing fire prevention measures and warning systems, existing firefighting equipment, escape routes, evacuation plans and more to compile a report with recommendations for remedial works and amendments to existing plans.

There is no specified time or period when a Fire Risk Assessment should be conducted, however, FRA’s should be reviewed regularly to account for any changes in the building which should be included In the Fire Risk Assessment.

If your property is in need of compliance checks, trust Integrity For building compliance. IFM has a lengthy history of compliance related servicing as well as remedial works following maintenance visits.

Find out more about the other services we provide by contacting us at or alternatively, call us on 0121 289 3148.